mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away
mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away
mySQL error with query SELECT i.inumber FROM nucleus_item as i LEFT JOIN nucleus_plug_multiple_categories as p ON i.inumber = p.item_id WHERE i.idraft = 0 and i.iblog = 3 and ((i.inumber = p.item_id and (p.categories REGEXP "(^|,)20(,|$)" or i.icat = 20)) or (i.icat = 20 and p.item_id IS NULL)) and i.itime <= "2025-02-19 02:28:18": MySQL server has gone away
mySQL error with query SELECT * FROM nucleus_plug_tagex_klist: MySQL server has gone away
mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away
mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away