長崎県五島列島 新上五島町 サイト管理者ブログ
カテゴリーを開く ≫
<   2025-02   >
mySQL error with query SELECT bnumber as result FROM nucleus_blog WHERE bshortname="": MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT d.oname as name, o.ovalue as value FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc d, nucleus_plugin_option o WHERE d.opid='3' AND d.ocontext='global' AND d.oid=o.oid AND o.ocontextid=0: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT burl as result from nucleus_blog WHERE bnumber=1: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT burl as result from nucleus_blog WHERE bnumber=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT inumber,icat FROM nucleus_item WHERE iblog=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT item_id, categories, subcategories FROM nucleus_plug_multiple_categories: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT c.catid, c.cdesc as catdesc, c.cname as catname FROM nucleus_category as c WHERE c.cblog=3 GROUP BY c.cname ORDER BY c.cname ASC: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=3: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query select * FROM nucleus_blog WHERE bshortname="owner": MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT tpartname, tcontent FROM nucleus_template_desc, nucleus_template WHERE tdesc=tdnumber and tdname="ecb/index": MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT itime, SUBSTRING(itime,1,4) AS Year, SUBSTRING(itime,6,2) AS Month, SUBSTRING(itime,9,2) as Day FROM nucleus_item WHERE iblog=3 and itime <="2025-02-19 02:28:18" and idraft=0 and icat=17 GROUP BY Year, Month ORDER BY itime DESC: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT i.inumber FROM nucleus_item as i LEFT JOIN nucleus_plug_multiple_categories as p ON i.inumber = p.item_id WHERE i.idraft = 0 and i.iblog = 3 and ((i.inumber = p.item_id and (p.categories REGEXP "(^|,)17(,|$)" or i.icat = 17)) or (i.icat = 17 and p.item_id IS NULL)) and i.itime <= "2025-02-19 02:28:18": MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT * FROM nucleus_plug_tagex_klist: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away

mySQL error with query SELECT oid, oname, ocontext, odef FROM nucleus_plugin_option_desc WHERE opid=20: MySQL server has gone away

Tag for "打ち消し線" + "ゴルフ" or "太字" or "スポーツ" or "上付き文字" or "背景の色" or "引用ブロック" or "キャンタル" or "段落" or "フォントの大きさ" or "番号なしリスト" or "写真を挿入する"

(受付:平日09:00-17:00) 新上五島町地域活性化
(新上五島町役場 総務課 情報化推進室)
mySQL error with query SELECT scontent FROM nucleus_skin WHERE sdesc=20 and stype='footer.inc': MySQL server has gone away

新上五島町地域活性化推進協議会事務局 (新上五島町役場 情報化推進室)
TEL: 0959-53-1114 / FAX: 0959-53-1100 / E-mail: micca@town.shinkamigoto.nagasaki.jp
Copyright © 2022 SHINKAMIGOTO. All rights reserved.
mySQL error with query SELECT scontent FROM nucleus_skin WHERE sdesc=20 and stype='pagetop.inc': MySQL server has gone away